100 Homes (and Counting)!

Sometimes in the day to day operation of a business, it is easy to lose sight of the big picture. The tendency to focus on the immediate needs of scheduling, coordinating, and executing can consume all of a business owner’s attention.

Once in a while, however, something in the air makes you stop in your tracks. You freeze–right where you are–and cease the doing. You feel the the sun on your skin, and the breeze at your back. In this moment, you survey what you’ve created and accomplished.  And you know that it has all been worthwhile.

We experienced just such a moment last week when, in reviewing the spreadsheet that tracks the jobs we’ve worked on, a mighty big number appeared in the far left hand column. Well, perhaps appeared isn’t accurate. It didn’t just come out of nowhere. But day after day, stage after stage, our team had steadily filled that Google Sheet. And on this day, line 100 was full and complete.

This, friends, isn’t just a number. It is the realization of a dream. It is proof that we are providing a service that is helping our customers achieve their goals…so much so that we have a growing roster of repeat clients. It is a chance to reflect on where we’ve been and where we want to go.

Most importantly, it is the perfect opportunity to say – once again – THANK YOU.  Thank you to family who has supported our big plans, thank you to those who have entrusted Colorado Staging + Design with their homes, and thank you to those who have referred us, supported our work, and cheered us on along the way.

2018 isn’t over yet… and we have great things still to come to close out this year of learning, growing, and designing.

Thank you for sharing this journey with us!


The Colorado Staging + Design Team


Creating the Perfect Thanksgiving Tablescape (on a Budget!)


Garage Organization Tips